Of the many infographics found in the 2013/14 interactive report, the "leaky pipeline" infographic was the most compelling and interesting to create. The client wanted an introductory infographic representing the decreasing number of women found in higher academic medicine positions. The pipeline represents the industry and the water represents women in the academic medicine field. The pipeline remains the same throughout their career – it doesn't grow or shrink. The women (or water) is experiencing a restriction to access to certain points in the pipeline, or these higher positions, thus creating a smaller output. The end result displays four women on a path from applicant to dean, each experiencing various "locks" within the pipeline that restrict access to higher positions.
Images are ©Ashley Stuart. All reproduction or use of images is prohibited without written consent. If you see an artwork that you would like to own, but it's not in the shop, get in touch and I'll try to make it happen!
December 2024